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Showing posts from February, 2011

Ruminations, Musings, and Other Cud-Chewing

First, a note: This blog is moving away from the specifics of my PhD research and experiences.  If anyone was interested in those, well...sorry.  The work is progressing, and it's a delicate balance!  Best to keep it on the DL till it's finished.  :) I do continue to have thoughts, however, about the nature of e-lit, e-publishing, digital narratives, tools. Tools.  Nick Montfort (et al) just released Curveship , which integrates interactive fiction and interactive narrating.  Which is motto-speak for "it does cool stuff to allow linear storytelling or interactive nonlinear storytelling at the reader's preference".  I think.  I just downloaded it, and I probably won't have time to play intensely (and intently) with it for another week or two, but I've been excited about this for a while. The blogs and mags and news-rags seem to be filling more and more with blurbs on the "new wave" of storytelling.  The New Yorker's Book Bench blog was all ove