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Showing posts from June, 2007

Deconstructing the SEP Field

Douglas Adams, creator of the world (literally)-famous Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , invented a concept that I am now fully convinced actually exists: the Somebody Else's Problem (SEP) Field. This field makes items, people, events, even entire spaceships, disappear, simply because anyone seeing them will write them off as somebody else's problem. And when something is someone else's problem, not your job, or out of your control, you ignore it to the point it might as well not even exist. It can still, however, blow your head off if that's its purpose. Very quickly, "somebody else's problem" can become "everyone's huge disaster." I've come across two quotes this week that made me want to shove both utterers hard enough to knock them out of that SEP field. The first came from P's stepmother as she lamented the strange and peculiar weather happening both worldwide and locally to her in Cairns, Australia lately. Finally, sh