I've been thinking quite a lot lately about the use of "found" art, as in re-appropriating images, video, code, etc., in stories. Obviously, in my case, that means digital fiction, though I don't really think it's tied to any one communication genre or medium. After all, there are plenty of news stories I see that use stock images that either really enhance the piece, or freakishly contrast with it. It affects the piece, one way or the other. I also think it's related, but a bit different, from palimpsest (as defined by Genette) . I recently supervised a fantastic MA dissertation on how everything we create (specifically speaking about creative writers) is palimpsestical: re-envisioning our lives, what we've read, what we've written. It may be done on purpose - those intertextual references we love to embed so much - and it may be done entirely subconsciously, but in the end, the idea boils down to that frustrating and yet liberating adage that
Pull up your mouse and watch me ramble over my writer’s life. Possibly feel better about your own life.