I just get to sit in my home office, make my list of tasks for the day, and work on ticking them off one by one. If only I could get paid for such endeavors, I'd have it made.
This time has allowed me to make some decent progress on my research. I'm super excited. Without much effort, I've managed to track down the software packages that deliver EXACTLY what I've been thinking I want for my digital fiction.
A few months ago, I was despairing, because the few sites I've seen with all the functionality I want have been high-profile places, complex and huge, far beyond what little html-building knowledge I have. I figured I'd have to purchase some fairly hefty software packages, which was terrifying, considering the peanuts they throw into my pen for teaching all the classes I'm teaching.
Today it's a totally different story, one I'm going to try to lay out as succinctly as possible (which for me isn't very); this entry should eventually lead to a full chapter or two of my dissertation, so I'm going to be a bit thorough in my next few posts. I'll talk about the major steps I took to deciding on a technology for building my digital fiction.