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Showing posts from October, 2005

Once Upon a Time, the World Was Flat...

The Maker’s Diet - Diet is based on the Bible; subtitle: "The 40-Day Health Experience That Will Change Your Life Forever" This book is number 132 on USA Today’s top 150 book list. I had to rub my eyes and refresh the page when I saw the description. Seriously, how far are they going to reach for diets? I’m fairly positive a dozen suits in a boardroom came up with this one, and then found some penniless and desperate writer to shamefully pen it for them. “Let’s get all those fatties in the Bible belt! They’ll believe anything if we say it comes from the Bible!!!” If I looked hard enough, I could probably find praise for McDonald’s in the Bible. Are we getting to the point were religious bookstores will now sell Bibles with web-site-like sidebars proclaiming Mark 3:21 as a God’s approval of spray-on hair? The saddest part about it is that people buy it. It’s like it’s gospel or something. Here we are, in the infancy of the 21st century, 60-some-odd-years after discovering the